Oxygen Cyclinder Instructions
Oxygen Cylinder
To Use The Cylinder:
- Attach the tubing.
- Open the cylinder valve: Turn the knob or wrench over the stem counter-clockwise until you see the needle on the cylinder contents gauge move.
- Set the flow rate: Turn the flow meter dial until you meet the prescribed liter flow the doctor ordered.
Turn Off The Oxygen When You’re Finished:
- Shut the cylinder off by turning the stem clockwise with the knob or wrench.
- When both the cylinder contents gauge and the flow meter register zero, turn off the flow meter. When the cylinder contents gauge indicates less than 500 PSI, it will soon be time to change your tank.
Approximate Duration (Hours : Minutes)

If you are unsure of how to use your back up oxygen tank or have a question Call Marina Medical: (419) 625-4312.
Emergency service available 24 hours a day.

*The ML6 and M9 have a built in conserver. A conserver may be added to C or D tanks which will approximately double their duration.