Patient Bill of Rights
As an individual receiving home care services let it be known and understood that you have the following rights:
- To select those who provide you home care services.
- To be provided with legitimate identification by any person or persons who enter your residence to provide home care for you.
- To receive the appropriate or prescribed service in a professional manner without discrimination relative to your age, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual preference, physical or mental handicap, war veteran status or involvement with the uniformed services.
- To be promptly informed if the prescribed care of services is not within our scope, mission or philosophy, and then to be provided with transfer assistance to an appropriate care or service organization.
- To be dealt with and treated with friendliness, courtesy and respect by each and every individual who provides treatment or services for you, and to be free from neglect or abuse whether physical or mental.
- To have your privacy and your property respected at all times.
- To assist in the development and planning of your health care program that’s designed to satisfy, as best possible, your current needs.
- To be provided with adequate information from which you can give your informed consent for the commencement of service, the continuation of service, the transfer of service to another health care provider, or the termination of service.
- To express concerns or grievances or recommended modifications to your home care services without fear of discrimination or reprisal.
- To request and receive complete and up-to-date information relative to your condition, treatment, alternative treatments and risks of treatment within the physician’s legal responsibilities of medical disclosure.
- To receive care and services within the scope of your health care plan, promptly and professionally, while being fully informed of policies and procedures, and charges.
- To refuse care, within the boundaries set by law, and receive professional information relative to the ramifications or consequences that will or may result due to such refusal.
- To request and receive data regarding services or cost thereof privately and confidentially.
- To request and receive the opportunity to examine or review your medical records.
- To formulate and have honored by all health care personnel an advance directive such as a Living Will or a Durable Attorney for Health Care, or a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order.
- To expect that all information received shall be kept confidential and shall not be released without written consent.
- To be involved, as appropriate, in discussions and resolutions of conflicts and ethical issues related to your care.
- To be informed of any experimental or investigation studies that are involved in your care, and be provided the right to refuse any such activity.
- To have any pain you experience appropriately assessed and managed and to be involved in the process.
- To be communicated with in a language or form you understand.
Responsibilities of the Patient
As a patient you are responsible for the following:
- To provide complete and accurate information concerning your present health, medication, allergies, etc., when appropriate to your care/service.
- To inform a staff member, as appropriate, of your health history, including past hospitalizations, illness, etc.
- To involve yourself, as needed or able, in developing, carrying out, and modifying your home care service plan, such as properly cleaning and storing your equipment and supplies.
- To review safety materials, when appropriate, and actively participate in maintaining a safe environment in your home.
- To request additional assistance or information on any phase of your health care plan you do not fully understand.
- To notify your attending physician when you feel ill or encounter any unusual physical or mental stress or sensations.
- To notify your health care provider prior to changing your place of residence or telephone number.
- To notify your health care provider when you will not be home at the time of a scheduled delivery.
- To notify your health care provider when encountering any problem with equipment or service.
- To notify your health care provider if you are to be hospitalized or if your physician modifies or ceases your home care prescription.
- To make a conscious effort to properly care for equipment supplied and comply with other aspects of the health care plan developed for you.
- To fulfill your financial obligations and to respect the rights of the home care providers.
- To accept responsibility for your actions if you refuse treatment or are not complying with the prescribed treatment.